Monday, January 06, 2014

If not now, when ?

I remember about this  quote every time I was reluctant to move on... IF NOT NOW, WHEN.... ?
but the fear was holding me more than I can handle.. I always make an excuse for not doing what I love to be doing as a Quilter and a crafter and a jewelry maker... whatever the label for me is... . It takes a long time for me to really believe in myself, to listen and follow my heart... to be brave and take a risk... to use my wings and fly away to  start a journey .. start a new and exciting adventure... 

Deep inside my heart...
I want to bloom and be fruitful.
I want to use and explore my talent... and share it with others...I want to live my life to the fullest...
I want my life to be colorful... I want to meet new people and make new friends... I want to get up in the morning with energy that gives me a kick to create things all day long...

I want my life is meaningful and be a blessing for others...
I want to touch someone's life and inspire them ...
I am now working on it.... I'm now in the phase of facing my fear... willing to take a risk... just bluntly dare... LOL

I believe God is with me all along..

Happy to just bring this out from my head.
if anyone out there is still in doubt... then remember this saying...    IF NOT NOW... WHEN... ?

So... start it now...
Start sewing..quilting..writing...walking...running...or doing whatever you'd like to do..

Happy to finally get in this phase... I've been too long for being stagnant. This is it. This is the time to get out from my comforting zone... I am now feeling so brave...and will challenge myself to get a whole new experience.  

I am so excited to know that I'll be living my life as I imagine it. I will be .. soon.. very soon... ( cross my finger )

Believe in yourself. That is the most important.

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