Sunday, July 14, 2013

Wedding Ring Quilt

The time has come when some one saw your work and asked if I can make a customed quilt. Thanks to my husband who took a picture of my work and showed it to His piano's student. :)

The first reaction from me isn't that I agree to do it, but told her that it takes quite a while till this quilt is done, because I'm not spending my entire time to focus on quilt making at that time.
Surprisingly she says ok.. just take your time.. she didn't rush me.. she told  me to picks the design, even to decide what color  that is suited well for her bed room. Queen Size bed. WOW. that's big.

Woooo Hoooo......  I will make a big project... this isn't easy... but rather a challange for me !
My husband told me to do something that I haven't tried yet.. challange your self ! Don't just do the same old stuff !!...

Boy that kicked me...I finally decide to make a weeding ring quilt.. which is not for a beginner anymore... it has lots of curved piecing... and lots of blocks...because the size would be 200 X 200 cm.

Making a quilt surely teach me to be precise, consistence and patience. Especially a big quilt like this.  After a quilt is done, you will feel different. You'll be a better person... I guess. LOL..

I make my wedding ring design and calcuted how much fabrics do I need to buy.
I make a sketch of this quilt...

Then I went to the fabrics store with excitement...
Feeling overwelhm because I bought so much fabrics at one time...  the store owner smile  a lot...  and helps me to find a matching fabrics after I picked my main fabrics.
Oh this is fun... !

I picked a good quality japanesse cotton.  Pretty...!!

This is my main fabrics

and combine with other matching fabrics...

I use a broken white fabric too..

I kind of forgot not to take a picture when this quilt is on process..  but have it when I baste the quilt

and The quilt is done... several months later... LOL
I'm so proud to finish this quilt.
This is the third big quilt I've ever done.. but this one is really my master piece. I really put my heart into it.

When I bring the quilt to the lady who ordered it... she loves it.. I was paid more than I asked  (* Big grin... )

Up till now.. I still saw that quilt  adorned her bed... I knew because, the last time I came over to her house over a week ago,  I peeked to her bedroom when the door is opened... LOL...

I don't even have a big quilt I made for my bed..
Sure will be my next list project to be done.... soon... soon.... :)

Keep quilting... and keep loving it.. they give you warmth and tons of love...


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