So, I guess this is about time to make it.. because I hold this project for quite so long....
Can't wait any longer... I pick up my paper and pencil color to make the design.
I will make a prayer mat for my aunty. She is a religious person.. very dedicated to pray 5 times a, if she get this mat, it will be so functional for her.
This is the design that usually will have some changes along the process... But I make this so I will know what I am gonna make and see proportion and the color combinations.
I just scrible to see what I have in mind.
This is the fabrics. I picked a gradation of blue and a bit of orange for stunning effect. :)
Then to the part of cutting and piecing them together...
I tried several design and decide which I like the best... I don't have a design wall ( yet ) so I did it on the floor. Well.. it works.
Then the process to pieced and them together.

What do you think... ?
I hope she likes it.... :)
Happy to be able to give someone something special from my heart
Wow... akhirnya.... aku bisa menyelesaikan sajadah ini untuk tanteku... yang sebenarnya pernah minta dibuatkan Quilt beberapa tahun yang silam... Senangnya aku bisa memenuhi janjiku... meski dalam ukuran yang lebih kecil...:)
Aku pilih warna biru dan sedikit oranye untuk aksen... Lihat kan bagaimana proses pembuatannya yaaa... he he... ini proyek ngebut juga... seminggu selesai. rata2 3 jam kerja perhari.
Quiltnya pakai mesin... jadi lebih kilat.
Setelah jadi.. segera aku kirim, dan ternyata dia sukaaaa..
senangnyaaa... ;)
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