Tuesday, April 08, 2014

My baby Quilt

My heart pounding faster than usual when doing the binding of this baby quilt last night. it is just because I am so very excited to finally almost finished this Quilt.
This baby quilt is supposed to  welcoming my baby when she was born....but so many reasons why this quilt isn't finished on time.

She was in preschool now, and this Quilt is hasn't finished 
( yet )... so you all might know how I feel when this Quilt is just minutes away from being officially done.
Whew... I am so happy !

This Quilt is so bright... and full of color.
and the fabric is whimsical for a little one to learn about colors and knows the vocabulary she can see on the fabric's pattern.

I just make a strips and join them together... I need to get the image from each fabrics.

Doing the hand quilting seems like forever....
 When the binding only takes 20 minutes... 

Soooo... this is it...
I'm so trully blessed to be able making this for my little one.

I took this picture in my Garden bench... have enough light for photography is a must. That's what I learned. 

Take a closer look how cute and vibrant the fabrics are....

My heart full of joy... that is for sure... especially when my little one is just excited to know she finally can sleep under this quilt.

A Quilt is a true labor of love.
Make one for you love one... you'll understand what I'm talking about.

Create a simple happiness for yourself and those around you..
Bahagia itu adalah ketika aku menyelesaikan baby quilt ini... Quilt ini seharusnya menyelimutinya waktu anakku dilahirkan .. namun seperti biasa... alasan klasik kenapa Quilt ini lama untuk diselesaikan he he apalagi kalau bukan sibuk urus ini itu... :)

Warna yang terang ini memang cocok untuk quilt anak apalagi bahannya bermotifkan karikatur binatang yang lucu2. 
Polanya sederhana sekali... hanya menjahit kain strip lalu disambung2kan... di tambah kain pinggirannya (  border )
Nah yang lama itu hand quiltnya.....
Aku memang memilih untuk hand quilt karena hasilnya lebih menul menul... ha ha itu istilah sahabat2 crafterku di group FB.

Senangnya bukan main deh sewaktu tadi malam aku menjahit bindingnya.... deg-deg an... beneran.... he he he...
karena akhirnya....... selesai juga  Quilt ini.

Mau tau rasa bahagianya menyelesaikan Quilt untuk diberikan kepada orang yang kita sayangi.... Yuuuk buat Quilt :)

Kebahagiaan itu juga bisa diciptakan... untuk diri sendiri maupun untuk orang2 disekitar kita.... 

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