I don't know what is going on in my brain. Feels like a jumping bean jumps from one thing to another. I seems can't focus on one things. If I started doing one project then when it reached about 75 % then I'll just starting another project. I get bored easily... I Quilt then I crochet then in the middle of it I'm so eager to paint . OMG it is not easy to tame myself. WOW.
So, that is true... the biggest challenge is not to conquer the mountain, but yourself.
At the end of the year usually I end up with guilty feeling for unable to finished what I have started. Then I make a New Year resolutions. First things first. I need to work on my Phd ... LOL . I learned from other quilters. Phd means Project half done..
I did finish one by one now...
I finished my doll that only missing her hat. it is done only in hour. but need months to get my hands working on it. :)
I finished the sun bonnet sue pillow cover. 4 of them. Yeay.... !
I finished the baby quilt. Oooh you know the story about this one on the previous post.
But still a lot to do... my matryoshka pincushion doll are still face less... My Quilt sampler blocks, Baby quilts, Butterfly quilts, Heart quilts, ooohh.. so embarrased to mention them all.
But at least now I said it... so my brain doesn't hide anything at all.
I better put all my Phd project on my wall. Well.. you get the idea.. . Hopefully I can finished them all before this year ended ( crossed my fingers ).
Do you ever experience something like this... ?
Sorry for not posting any pictures right now... :(
I have confidence that I can do it. A stitch at a time... that is what quilters do.... ooo yeah. !
Paling susah mengendalikan diri sendiri.. Banyaknya keinginan menjadikan aku untuk mencoba membuat proyek craft dan quilts tapi tidak diselesaikan. Banyak proyek yang setengah jadi... biasa.. alasannya sih bosen...atau karena sudah tidak tahan ingin mencoba sesuatu yang baru yang sepertinya lebih menarik atau ditunda-tunda jadi ditinggal begitu lama di dalam lemari. sampai akhirnya muncul rasa bersalah.
Maka di tahun 2014, salah satu resolusi tahun baru aku itu adalah menyelesaikan semua proyek yang belum diselesaikan....
Kemarin aku menjahit topi boneka... yang ternyata hanya memerlukan waktu satu jam... padahal perlu waktu berbulan2 untuk tanganku mengerjakannya...
kemudian aku menyelesaikan Sun Bonnet Sue sarung bantal.. oo senangnya.... terus ada lagi satu yang pencapaianku yaitu menyelesaikan baby quilt untuk si kecil yng tentunya sudah baca ceritanya di post sebelum ini ya.
Masih banyak lagi pekerjaan yang setengah jadi... malu disebut satu persatu.. he he he...
Jadi sekarang aku harus membuat prioritas menyelesaikan pekerjan2ku.. ayoooo aku pasti bisa ( ha ha menyemangati diri sendiri .
Working hard on my Phd.. :)
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