Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Prayer Mat

A lot of projects are on my list to do. One of them is making the prayer mat for my aunty. 
So, I guess this is about time to make it.. because I hold this project for quite so long.... 
Can't wait any longer... I pick up my paper and pencil color to make the design.

I will make a prayer mat for my aunty. She is a religious person.. very dedicated to pray 5 times a day...so, if she get this mat, it will be so functional for her.

This is the design that usually will have some changes along the process... But I make this so I will know what I am gonna make and see proportion and the color combinations.
I just scrible to see what I have in mind.

This is the fabrics. I picked a gradation of blue and a bit of orange for stunning effect. :)

Then to the part of cutting and piecing them together...
I tried several design and decide which I like the best... I don't have a design wall ( yet ) so I did it on the floor. Well.. it works.

and the pressing is important too...

Then the process to pieced and them together.

Machine Quilt give their stunning effect.

What do you think... ?

I hope she likes it.... :)
Happy to be able to give someone something special from my heart

Wow... akhirnya.... aku bisa menyelesaikan sajadah ini untuk tanteku... yang sebenarnya pernah minta dibuatkan Quilt beberapa tahun yang silam... Senangnya aku bisa memenuhi janjiku... meski dalam ukuran yang lebih kecil...:)
Aku pilih warna biru dan sedikit oranye untuk aksen... Lihat kan  bagaimana proses pembuatannya yaaa... he he... ini proyek ngebut juga... seminggu selesai. rata2 3 jam kerja perhari. 
Quiltnya pakai mesin... jadi lebih kilat.

Setelah jadi.. segera aku kirim, dan ternyata dia sukaaaa..
senangnyaaa... ;)


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Kaffe Fassett's fabrics

I am attracted to bright colors, that is why Kaffe Fassett's fabrics just naturally caught my eyes. His Quilts are stunning. His fabrics line are exquisite... His yarn works are lovely. Learn more about him, then you'll know what I mean. :)

At the end of February 2014 I had a family holiday in Singapore and found a Quilt store that has his fabric line. Wow.. wanted to have lots of them.. but they are quite expensive :)
Well you can tell this kind of fabrics are printed on a high quality cotton fabric.. oooh so glad when I can have a few of them.
But these fabrics I can't resist not to own it.. I bought a few pieces of fat quarter fabrics and when I got home, I found that I had  His fabrics years ago.. so my collections are adding up. Whooo hooo... Now it is enough fabric to make something for me. Yes.... for me !

Aren't they gorgeous ? look at the details.... ooooooh lovely..

Vibrant green...

Having them stacked on my shelves and touched them  and just take a look at them just makes me smile....
That is not logical right ? Oh.. I know...  something just can be felt with your heart.... :)

Now I have to decide what pattern should I use with this glorious color fabrics. I think I love diamond pattern with a small list all around them. 

Feel deeply then you'll see only beauty.

Aku suka semua warna yang cerah dan salah satu artist yang menampilkan warna cerah adalah Kaffe Fassett. Kerajinan percanya, rajutannya dan kainnya menunjukkan bahwa warna cerah selalu indah...:)

Waktu aku sempat jalan2 ke Singapore, aku beli kainnya. Tidak bisa beli banyak2 karena mahal... he he he...
rupanya waktu aku pulang ke rumah, aku sudah punya beberapa fat quarter. Senangnya.... jadi koleksiku bertambah.

Meski belum dibuat apa2 dan sekarang masih ditumpuk dilemari, tapi memilikinya untuk disentuh atau dilihat2 saja sudah membuat hatiku gembira.... he he tidak masuk akal ya... tapi itu kenyataan.


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Project half done

I don't know what is going on in my brain. Feels like a jumping bean  jumps from one thing to another. I seems can't focus on one things. If I started doing one project then when it reached about 75 % then  I'll just starting another project. I get bored easily... I Quilt then I crochet  then in the middle of it  I'm so eager to paint . OMG it is not easy to tame myself. WOW.

So, that is true... the biggest challenge is not to conquer the mountain, but yourself.

At the end of the year usually I end up with guilty feeling for unable to finished what I have started. Then I make a New Year resolutions. First things first. I need to work on my Phd ... LOL . I learned from other quilters. Phd means Project half done..

I did finish one by one now...
I finished my doll that only missing her hat. it is done only in hour. but need months to get my hands working on it. :)

I finished the sun bonnet sue pillow cover. 4 of them. Yeay.... !
I finished the baby quilt. Oooh you know the story about this one on the previous post.

But still a lot to do... my matryoshka pincushion doll are still face less... My Quilt sampler blocks, Baby quilts, Butterfly quilts, Heart quilts,  ooohh..  so embarrased to mention them all.
But at least now I said it... so my brain doesn't hide anything at all. 
I better put all my Phd project on my wall. Well.. you get the idea.. . Hopefully I can finished them all before this year ended                     ( crossed my fingers ).

Do you ever experience something like this... ?

Sorry for not posting any pictures right now... :(

I have confidence that I can do it. A stitch at a time... that is what quilters do.... ooo yeah. !

Paling susah mengendalikan diri sendiri.. Banyaknya keinginan menjadikan aku untuk mencoba membuat proyek craft dan quilts tapi tidak diselesaikan. Banyak proyek yang setengah jadi... biasa.. alasannya sih bosen...atau karena sudah tidak tahan ingin mencoba sesuatu yang baru yang sepertinya lebih menarik atau ditunda-tunda jadi ditinggal begitu lama di dalam lemari. sampai akhirnya muncul rasa bersalah.

Maka di tahun 2014, salah satu resolusi tahun baru aku itu adalah menyelesaikan semua proyek yang belum diselesaikan....
Kemarin aku menjahit topi boneka... yang ternyata hanya memerlukan waktu satu jam... padahal perlu waktu berbulan2 untuk tanganku mengerjakannya... 
kemudian aku menyelesaikan Sun Bonnet Sue sarung bantal.. oo senangnya.... terus ada lagi satu yang pencapaianku yaitu menyelesaikan baby quilt untuk si kecil yng  tentunya sudah baca ceritanya di post sebelum ini ya.

Masih banyak lagi pekerjaan yang setengah jadi... malu disebut satu persatu.. he he he...

Jadi sekarang aku harus membuat prioritas menyelesaikan pekerjan2ku.. ayoooo aku pasti bisa ( ha ha menyemangati diri sendiri . 

Working hard on my Phd.. :) 


Tuesday, April 08, 2014

My baby Quilt

My heart pounding faster than usual when doing the binding of this baby quilt last night. it is just because I am so very excited to finally almost finished this Quilt.
This baby quilt is supposed to  welcoming my baby when she was born....but so many reasons why this quilt isn't finished on time.

She was in preschool now, and this Quilt is hasn't finished 
( yet )... so you all might know how I feel when this Quilt is just minutes away from being officially done.
Whew... I am so happy !

This Quilt is so bright... and full of color.
and the fabric is whimsical for a little one to learn about colors and knows the vocabulary she can see on the fabric's pattern.

I just make a strips and join them together... I need to get the image from each fabrics.

Doing the hand quilting seems like forever....
 When the binding only takes 20 minutes... 

Soooo... this is it...
I'm so trully blessed to be able making this for my little one.

I took this picture in my Garden bench... have enough light for photography is a must. That's what I learned. 

Take a closer look how cute and vibrant the fabrics are....

My heart full of joy... that is for sure... especially when my little one is just excited to know she finally can sleep under this quilt.

A Quilt is a true labor of love.
Make one for you love one... you'll understand what I'm talking about.

Create a simple happiness for yourself and those around you..
Bahagia itu adalah ketika aku menyelesaikan baby quilt ini... Quilt ini seharusnya menyelimutinya waktu anakku dilahirkan .. namun seperti biasa... alasan klasik kenapa Quilt ini lama untuk diselesaikan he he apalagi kalau bukan sibuk urus ini itu... :)

Warna yang terang ini memang cocok untuk quilt anak apalagi bahannya bermotifkan karikatur binatang yang lucu2. 
Polanya sederhana sekali... hanya menjahit kain strip lalu disambung2kan... di tambah kain pinggirannya (  border )
Nah yang lama itu hand quiltnya.....
Aku memang memilih untuk hand quilt karena hasilnya lebih menul menul... ha ha itu istilah sahabat2 crafterku di group FB.

Senangnya bukan main deh sewaktu tadi malam aku menjahit bindingnya.... deg-deg an... beneran.... he he he...
karena akhirnya....... selesai juga  Quilt ini.

Mau tau rasa bahagianya menyelesaikan Quilt untuk diberikan kepada orang yang kita sayangi.... Yuuuk buat Quilt :)

Kebahagiaan itu juga bisa diciptakan... untuk diri sendiri maupun untuk orang2 disekitar kita.... 

Friday, April 04, 2014

My Mom's garden

I love having  many kind of plants in the Garden. My kind of Garden is not Minimalist Garden... It is Tropical Garden where I can see lots of colors and lush of beautiful foliages.  I try to maintain my own garden... but it is still  far from what I really want. On the contrary my mom has a beautiful garden. She is a real gardener, any plants that she touched seems just grows beautifully. 

Like many says, pictures tell a thousand words... so.. take a look at my Mom's garden...
This is the garden in front of her house...

In the side of her house, she create a lovely side terrace with a little Koi pond... of course with lots of plants ... Those blue ceramic pots are beautiful..
She put a beautiful carved wooden bench  on the terrace, facing to this little pond. My favorite spot.

She even has a chili plants on near her kitchen. 

She has several plants like this... This one is big... WOW.

She didn't leave any spots around the house without any plants... This is on the back..

Gorgeous flowers.

Aku sungguh sangat menyukai hidup dikelilingi oleh tanaman... dan sekarang sedang mengusahakan untuk merawat kebun yang masih jauh dari ideal. Tidak seperti Ibuku yang memiliki kebun yang indah dengan berbagai macam tanaman. 
Dekat dengan alam memberikan energi tersendiri untukku... setiap hari aku menyempatkan diri untuk menyapa semua tanamanku... :)
berharap mereka dapat memberikan yang terbaik untukku...

Memiliki kebun seperti ini bukan berarti tiba2 saja seperti ini... kebun harus dirawat setiap hari... dan kita harus mengenali setiap karakter tanaman yang kita miliki.  Tapi bagi yang suka tentunya semua bukanlah hal yang berat, malahan tanaman memberikan kebahagiaan tersendiri.
Apalagi kalau sudah ada yang berbunga.... wah senang deh..

Selamat berkebun,

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

House pillow cover

I start to work on my Ph D ( Project half Done ) :)   again. One of them is this pillow cover top that l never touched for quite some time. I need to hand quilt and finish it as a pillow cover. As easy as that but in my real world is not that easy, especially when I am struggling with my time, my mood and taming those jumping beans in my brain. LOL.

I am committed to myself to at least reduce all my PhD projects this year... 

 I did some ribbon works to make those pretty flowers...

I prefer to do the hand quilting. 
Hand quilting is really gives a personal touch and the result is always stunning.

Happy Quilting,