- scissor holder and pincushion
- tote bag
- cosmetic bag
- fabric box
- accessories
- pot holder
I finally decide to make a hand towel that I will put on near the sink.
I used to make the simple one with only attached the patchwork to the towel, but now I challenge myself to make a doll dress on top of the towel. This is not easy for me..especially when I have to attached the arm section. LOL... I stitch it by hand when I failed using sewing machine.
I love the color.. I never had orange color around the house, but now this cute orange towel will surely stand out in the kitchen.
I make a pot holder to save the fabric remnants...
so.. this is what I made...
Pssst.. I'll submit this to a craft group to win a gorgeous fabrics. ha ha... wish me luck ok..
This is the fabric. 18 x 21 inch.
Cutting the pattern...
Now is sewing time.... a real challenge.. :)

I learn how to put frames on the pictures... so... this is it..
Finally.. I did it...
This is fun... really.. especially when I can share this to a craft group full with creative people.
Biasanya karya yang aku buat itu tidak dibatasi oleh apapun.. tidak ada deadline... semua bahan yang aku buat untuk craft juga bisa digunakan sebanyak dan sesuka ku... tapi kali ini bahan yang aku pakai hanya 1 fat Quarter ( 18 x 21 inch ) dan tenggang waktu sampai tgl 22 Maret 2014.
Maka dengan waktu yang hanya 2 hari lagi aku benar2 bertanya pada diriku sendiri.. bisa ngga ya ? mau buat apa dari kain fat quarter ? waaah benar2 tertantang deh...
Jadi malam pun semangat menjahit... esok harinya foto2... terus edit foto dan upload di FB. seruuu juga.
Nah itu deh hasilnya... aku cukup senang karena bisa selesai juga.
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