Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Making Batik

Learn to make Batik isn't as easy as I thought. Making Batik needs skills. That isn't gained only for a few days... 
Those are skillful   practice it everyday, they even were doing it since they were little... taught by their family. It is a heritage that passed from one generation to another.  In our fast world, now we can create Batik pattern with computer and printed it with modern machine. But the old traditional way are still exist cause the beauty of handmade Batik will never be replaced... This astonished me... like Wow.. they can survive. 

I learn to make Batik too.. feeling so excited about this. I enjoyed the process from drawing pattern on the cloth.. ( I did a free hand drawing ) to coloring it. Batik can be done in two ways... with hands using tjanting ( tools to draw wax on cloth ) or with tjap / stamp.

Unfortunately I didn't take a picture for every process, but at least I have the result ...

and closer look

This is simple Batik. my master piece.. and it is not easy... so imagine how they make the complicated pattern with lots of colors. I should practice more... .
Batik is our heritage... I should now more about it.  

Ini pertama kalinya aku belajar membatik... sayangnya tidak mengabadikan semua proses2 membatik. Tapi hasil membatik masih tersimpan rapi.... dan baru sekarang di foto. :)

Membatik itu tidak mudah. Perlu keahlian dan ketelitian... tangan gemetar bisa2 malam bisa tumpah deh...

Ini hasil membatik ku...Ingin sekali untuk terus menimba ilmu tentang Batik.... karena Batik itu warisan leluhur kita, maka sudah wajiblah kita menurunkannya kepada generasi selanjutnya... paling tidak memakai Batik pun sudah upaya kita untuk membuat Batik tetap eksis.

Ada kelas2 Batik yg diadakan oleh Museum Tekstil dan para pencinta Batik .. namun sayangnya aku belum bisa gabung.... mudah2an akan ada waktunya untuk menuangkan ide2ku dengan proses membatik.

Feeling blessed,