I found out about cloth doll when my sister bought me a Quilt magazine, and one of the article is about cloth doll... it is different than anykind of cloth doll that I ever know.. that is why it tickles me to try to make one...
The more I want to know about cloth doll brought me to the world of Art Doll.. this is one of a kind of figurative art that are so fabulous to look at...
Art doll is really an expression of the artist to brings their fantasy to an object...
I saw so many works of doll artists and I can only gasp... admiring them ..! LOL.. their works is outstanding.. it is something that I never seen before... their creativity inspire me indeed.
Patty Medaris Culea is one of artist doll that inspire me to make one...
This is my kind of doll using her pattern....
Two of them are always accompanying me working at the studio.... They are just lovely.
And the other one just adorn my console table on the entry way....

The doll's face is sculpted and painted...I used Bali Batik and embellished her with beads.. her hair is metalic threads... I am not sure about the theme for this doll.. I just make it without too much thinking.. and I guess it turns out beautiful.. like her big smile..
And the doll's face for this one was also painted but not sculpted. Warm tones Bali Batik and beads for her necklace.

She is on her sitting pose.. and there she is ... sitting nicely on my shelf.
Her face was made with clay... actually I just dress up the bendi doll... doll that are available at the craftstore.. It is bendable that is why it is easy to pose her to stand up ( with a little help of course... with a wooden stick ) or just let her sit.. ( just thought she needs a rest to just sit and relax.... ) LOL...

Terjemahan ke bahasa Indonesianya apa ya? Art doll... Boneka unik bercita rasa seni ? Boneka ini memang hanya untuk dipajang dan dinikmati keindahannya, bukan untuk dimainkan oleh anak-anak. Keberadaan Boneka ini mengundang senyum teman2 saya yang melihatnya...
Ada yang berkomentar.. " Wah, bagus ya..." dan ada juga yang bilang : " Yang ini hidungnya terlalu besar....., lain kali buat yang mancung sedikit..."
Berkreasi dengan Art Doll ini memang mengasyikkan... saya dapat benar2 menuangkan semua yang menjadi fantasi dalam benak saya.
Tentu saya saya ingin membuat lagi boneka- boneka seperti ini.. mungkin yang akan datang akan memiliki thema.. misalnya.. Peri Kebun... ( Garden Fairies ) atau Gadis kupu-kupu (Lady butterfly )... wah mulai bermunculan ide nih...
Selamat berkarya...
Luv, 'Na
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