I am a kind of person who likes to try to make a new things.. ( oh my... this is why I can't focus only to one thing )...then I blame myself having an attention defisit disorder.. well I don't know about that... my interest just jump from one craft to another... I just can't help it... If I see something that catch my eyes.. then my brain just busy thinking.. how could i make it different... either with colors or method how to do it, or adding things...
No wonder I myself confused with what kind of label that suit me. Am I a quilter? A doll maker? A painter? A jewerly designer? Now, I am all that.... I guess.... LOL
My shelves are now filled with things to make just about anything....
Fabrics, buttons, beads, ribbons, pencil color, paints, and... Yarn ! I bought yarn to make a doll's hair.. mainly brown and black... but then.. I bought more colors that actually not for doll's hair.. like orange and purple... ( you know.. I make an excuse.... to try new things.... )
So there I am.. with colorful yarn... What should I make? a hat? a baby blanket? an afghan ? a scarf ? Oh boy... I was so excited... and overwhelm knowing that the world of crocheting might satisfy my craving of design and color.
Always start with a small project. That is what I always keep in my mind... so there I was in
one afternoon I found myself crocheting....I made a flower... lots of them....
and I put them together... and Voila !... I made my self a flower scarf.....

I was so happy to be able to finish this... ( I confessed that I have more than one project that need to be finished... UFO - UnFinished Object ) I am trying to be a better me... to always finished what I' ve started.....
I think whoever wear this scarf would get attention in the crowd, don't ya think ?
One project is done... and my mind busy thinking about the next one. Crocheting is one kind of craft that I love because I just can bring it anywhere.. and do it whenever I can. And other thing is when you make a mistake, you just pull that yarn.. undo it... then do it again... .
So... don't just stop there... keep doing what you love to be doing..
Kerajinan merenda memang membuat saya ketagihan. Kerajinan ini memang sangat memungkinkan untuk dibuat dimana saja, kapan saja....
Peralatan yang diperlukan juga tidak banyak, hanya benang... hakken dan gunting kecil... mudah kan? Mulailah dengan proyek yang mudah dibuat dan tidak memakan waktu lama untuk menyelesaikannya...
Yuk... mari kita merenda....
Selamat berkarya