Sunday, November 23, 2014

Bali adventure

This year...I had a chance to visit Bali again.... oooowh I'm so excited because Bali is my favorite place to visit. They called Bali with a Paradise island... and I couldn't agree more.

Bali is the famous island for tourist around the world. It located in the middle part of Indonesia.
Lots of things to see and experience.... 

This is how my eyes see a bit of this island... the culture... the art...  Oooh they are so beautiful to my eyes.

This is a small offerings of flowers and " dupa " they put them on the street.. 

And this is a handpainted boxes... consist of a colorful little dots... create a beautiful pattern... 

Wooden art...  and frangipani flower hair clip.

A typical Balinese house has a stone carved fence.. . Simply Gorgeous. 

Very detailed work on carved stone...  Beautifully made !

And this is a wooden doll ( this is a typical javanese puppet /doll ) I found them greeting me on a restaurant. They are holding a menu they offered.

Awesome antique tiles on a restaurant...
I don't think we produce this kind of tiles anymore... they must be saved from an old house....
I love it...
Make a great pattern for Quilt right.. ?  a ha... an inspiration !

I'll post more pictures....
Tha tha for now....

Crocheted Christmas Ornaments

Christmas is coming.... !
Usually I made handmade Christmas Ornaments every year...  It is nice to see all those handmade ornaments that I made all these years.... It warm my heart... really.

This year.. nothing fancy... just a crocheted Christmas Ornaments... I never done this before... and I love it..

What do you think ?

I need to do at least 10 of them.... well.. the more the merrier right ?

I will just create the pattern as I crochet... :)
wish me luck... 

Happy Crocheting,

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Frame bag

Nowadays there are lots of workshop was held at big cities in Indonesia and the enthusiasm from ladies who likes to sew are incredible. They are willing to register months before... and come early on the workshop day...  From sewing bags, Quilts, dolls...
it is like a new trends. Ooh well... needless to say.. I am part of them too... it is like a social gathering where we can meet friends who like to share the same passions. We are connected right away.

Last week I took this frame bag Workshop..
and this is the result...

Happy sewing,

Practice makes perfect

I sharpened my sewing skill with practice.... Sewing Zipper sure is not an easy job to do for me.. Practice makes perfect...  that is true.. the more I sew the more I gained the skill. I need to be really patient to do this right... :) 

Make another  2 Accordion wallet... ;)
This is the pretty fabric selections :


And..... This is it..... Pretty isn't it ?

Whew...  I'm proud of my achievement...

Menjahit resleting di dompet akordion ini tidak mudah... banyak coba dan gagal dan dedelnya.... jadi harus banyak latihan...
kalau sudah bisa dan melihat hasilnya.... senang juga....

Bangga deh bisa menjahit dompet ini untuk ke dua dan ke tiga kalinya... mudah2an akan ada ke empat dan seterusnya.... 

Yuuuk mari menjahit... 

Happy sewing...

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Crochet snail pin cushion

Hello... how are you all ? I made  this one... and love it...

They are adorable for a gift.

Happy crocheting.

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Accordion Wallet

I felt so happy to be in a crowd of creative women who like to sew...
Never did I imagine that I can sew anything than just a straight stitch...
First... I make a Quilt..then dolls... then a children dress... then now bags and wallets ? WOW the sewing world really takes me to a journey where I can push my ability to increase my skill. :) And I am so happy... 
Not to mention I met more people who shared the same passion...
Thanks be to God... I felt like I'm living in a right world right now... ha ha...

Making this kind of wallet is not easy... need skill and patience...
whew... sewing those zipper is really something !
This is my first accordion wallet...

 Still need to make some adjustment... to make it neater...
 But as a master piece... I'm quite satisfied....

I'll practice some more...


Saturday, November 01, 2014

More frame purse

This candy frame purse is really cute... The green beads color actually isn't really my color, but when I use Mary Engelbreit's fabric then I know this purse is attractive... :)

I'll say no more... judge yourself... LOL

Happy.... :)

Pouches and matching frame purse

Making beautiful things is addicted... This is a matching pouch and frame purse.  It is a great gift for a friend. Lovely... :)

Happy sewing...