Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Yes.. Zipper become a new things in my sewing room... I learn how to conquer zipper now... since I made those pouches and fabric wallet which require zipper !

It doesn't come easy of course...
I undo  the sewing line  so many times... LOL
it is a part of learning I guess... I'll get there..
Practice makes perfect. That is true.

Too proud to have those zipper.. I want to post it too..
ha ha ha.. I bought  this many....and promise myself to use them all.
I know I can do it -  I said that to myself as an encouragement  ( wow... need to say it so many times)

Wallet and pouches are really makes a lovely gift. People like handmade now...
The reason is that Handmade stuff warmed your heart. :). Don't you agree ?

Let's create....

Monday, July 28, 2014

selvages quilt

Just finished ironing this selvages fabrics... ready to sew..

This are those selvages... a long stripes of information about colors and manufactured by at the end of the fabrics..

Iron it and lay them straight before sewing...

This time is a no worry sewing... I just sew them straight..
and this is the result when I put them together... 

I'm thinking a tote bag... ooo how about the sewing machine cover..?
ooo but  a wonky house with selvages roof is too cute...
well... let me think before I decide anything... ok ?

Usually I just sew them together without thinking about color combinations, because selvages seems just go together.
but this time, I sort them by colors... and they turns out to be really nice.. Look...
The Blue selvages seems like a broken china.

Since nowadays I am into pouch.. wallet and tote bag... so, I decide to make a pouch out of this blue selvages fabrics..

Love it.
I should practice more on sewing the zipper... 
This pouch is far from perfect..
but a good start... right ?

I'm always excited to start a new project... and try my best to finished them.. although sometime I gave a thousand reason why I put them in a Half done projects Bin... LOL

:) 'Na

Home Sweet Home

I made this house block quilt top years ago and just left alone like that. No hand quilted .. no binding... nothing. Just Quilt Top. I guess I posted this months ago.

But somehow.. this block rise up again to my attention... and I made a commitment this year to finished my Phd ( Project half done). 
So... there it is.. I found it is not difficult at all if there is a willingness to do it. I hand quilted it and Binding it.. It doesn't really take a lot of time. Whew..

Home Sweet Home..
I love those vibrant colors... 

 And a closer look...

Make your house a home with Quilts..:). It never fail. Quilts equals warmth... try it.


Friday, July 18, 2014

Quilted cosmetic case

Tempted to make something different than a quilt for intermezzo.. I  made this cosmetic pouch... ooooh this is another milestone for me... never thought I will make something like this before.. and it is useful too.. My old cosmetic pouch is worn out, it's too old  to serve me, since I use it everyday for years... LOL.

I don't have the right color zipper for this... but I make it any way as my master piece... you know that when people like us wants to do a project.. we will use whatever we have on our sewing room. :) 
I use Batik Bali with patchwork and machine quilting..

First, I have trouble find out how to make it square on the corner... but again...  patience and hard will is needed. :)
Now I can show it off to you...   
and I can use it right away... YEAY.... !

A perfect gift for friends... :)

I showed this to my sister.. and she likes it.. she wants me to make a Bank book.. it is as big as tab cover... 
ooooh can I make it...? well let's see.. since I promise her it will be a birthday present for her.. and I have to find out how to do it... 
Keep your creative spirit soar.... Let's learn some more.. 

A happy thought will brighten your day... 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Bargello Quilt

I need  to make  several quilts projects as my ultimate achievement. I gained more knowledge and skill and sure will be confidence to bloom some more.

Those projects are :
- New York Beauty Quilt - a quarter done project :)
- Bargello Quilt - on the process
- Kaleidoscope Quilt - still on the list
- Art Quilt - a half done project

And I am working myself to get there...
Those projects need special skills... add with tons of patience...

Today.. I proved to myself that I'm not just talk and set a goal on writting.
Today.. I'm so proud with my achievement..

I did make Bargello Quilt. - A mini version of a kind. LOL
I make a place mat size..before I challenge myself to make a bigger one. I really want a wall hanging Bargello for my living room.

Yes...at least I'm improving my skill... one stitch at a time...
I tap myself on the back. :) 

This is it...

I know that I'm a morning person.. but when the urge to quilt comes... I can be a night owl too... LOL... ready wants to know how this bargello turns out after quilting it by machine... This picture taken at night at my sewing room... the real color isn't showing off ..

I kinda like it.... with those wavy quilt. it is not perfect because my bargello strips isn't symmetrical. ho ho ho... my bet !

and tha da..... Love it...
I'll have a special dinner using my master piece place mat...

Big smile on my face  :)

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Beads shopping

Having a chance to go to beads store is rare for me. So.. when my husband asked me if I'd like to accompany him to the computer store near by the beads store its excites me to the bones... ha ha ha.. that bad, eh ? 

A lot of new stuff are there.. and it's a bit pricey.. so I bought what I need than what I want...
Sometimes I allow myself to freely buy anything I want.. ( with a budget of course )

I'm looking for soutache cords.. but can't find it. I'm into it these days..
So these are the beads I bought yesterday..

 Don't know yet what to do with those yummy candy... but I'll wait till my hands are tickled to create whenever had time between Quilting and Crocheting... not to mention Cleaning up the house and Cooking activities.. :)

Love those beads...

Friday, July 11, 2014

Prayer Mat Quilt

This Quilt is requested by my friend. She would like to have a prayer mat with pastel color.. I posted pastel color choices on previous post. I have this color in charm packs.. - it is a cut 5 x 5 inches.

I pick the half triangle design which gives me more than 1 options..
I square up the fabrics.. since the 5 inches charm packs fabrics wasn't cut accurately. whew.. this gives me an extra work to do. 

I did some arrangement on the floor to see which one I like the best...

This is option no. 1

but looks just ordinary.... so I make another arangement...
Option No. 2

Sew the purple border...

Quilt it by machine..
oooh I feel like I can't do hand quilting anymore...

So happy when it comes to do the binding.

 Voila... This is it...Tell me what do you think ?

Happiness is when the quilt is finished....

Feeling Great.

Sunday, July 06, 2014


Every year there are several craft shows in Indonesia held in a big building at JHCC- Jakarta. One of them that  people are just looking forward to attend is INACRAFT. All vendors are from all parts of Indonesia, showed their ability to produce art and crafts. Their creations are  expressed as representation for their culture.

They are all beautiful in my eyes... they are all creative.
From Ceramics, Woods, Woven fabrics, Batik, Glass, Bamboo, ooh so many more.

One of my dreams is being there not just as a visitor... I want to be there having my own booth... showing all my creations... and greet all the customers... WOW. I know it is a long way to be one of them.
They are all qualified and have the ability to produce in a big mass.          
But I said.. a dream right ? :).

One said if you can dream it you can do it.  Oooh.. you know what?  this time, my crochet works actually are there... joined with all the crocheters. A little dream come true... I guess...and  Kriya Apik sold a few items like scraf, necklace and pincushions. Wow... !

This year.. I went alone to browse this craft show. Usually, my sister accompany me. I spend about 3 hours by myself looking around.. If I am not that tired I might spend more hours... he  he...
But it was a time well spent. Love it.

I should take more pictures... but I'm busy browsing... LOL
Fabric lovers would drool seeing all gorgeous fabrics on display..  
This fabric called traditional fabrics. They're hand weaved.

At this event it seems you can just get anything beautiful... 
Look at these Wayang Puppets... They add more embellishment so it looks different than the traditional one. And they use color that are really vibrant.

Enjoying other people's work give lots of  inspirations to me.
Feeling awesome,

Thursday, July 03, 2014

Quilt theme fabrics

I love fabrics.... they are delicious... ha ha

Found this quilt theme fabrics.. it's only a quarter.. but I'll make the best of it.
Thinking what I'm gonna do with this little piece fabric.
- Pin Cushions
- Pouch or a draw string bag
- Sewing machine cover

 It is lovely isn't it ?

I need to combine it with solid color. :) It will be great, I guess.
Hmmmm... think think think... what should I do with this fabric ?


Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Granny Square Crochet

This is a granny square crochet ...
Love all the colors...      
This is the second time Kriya Apik sold Granny Square Crochet. 
It's gorgeous. I can't deny. :)

It can be used as a table cover or a scarf...
Depends on your needs... LOL.. if it is not cold outside then you can put this pretty colorful crochet on top of your table... rather just sit on your wardrobe... right ?

Happy Crocheting...

Tuesday, July 01, 2014


My Soutache brooches....

I would love continue making this kind of accessories...
Those cords and beads really gives me a freedom to do anything I want to... it can be simple or more extravagant .. it can be small as a pendant or big as a bold statement necklace. It can be symmetrical or asymmetrical... oooh it can be as wild as your brain allowed it. LOL

But I have to keep in my mind that I got to use the good quality beads only... because making soutache jewelry takes a lot of time and skill. Using cheap beads really doesn't worth the time I spend.
Yes... will do...

Now I have to shop for a good quality beads.... yeay....

Feeling excited,