Friday, July 19, 2013

Sewing Studio

This is a view from my sewing studio...  looking far is my neighborhood ....

And looking down at my garden...

Every quilter wants to own their spot that is dedicated only to do their work. No doubt about it. Sewing studio is  gonna be their sanctuary.. where one can just spend time there creating something with their hands and just let the creative spirit roar...

One of those quilter is me.  Of course for years..I kept holding to my  dream to have my own sewing studio.

Once, I read a book that we need to have a vision what are we going to do or what we want to have in the future by imagining it... and some how the universe will lead you to the path where you need to go and hopefully arrive safely to where you want to....

I made a journal to keep my  dream  in a 'scrap book' kind of page.
I cut the things that I want from magazine... write a journal on it... and just wish this will be come true..

So.. one day... I was busy dreaming..... that I will have a sewing studio I can call my own... with a good view to the garden... with a big table and a shelf that I can store my stuff..
At that time I don't have my own spot to sew... I sew on the dining table... which need to be cleared on lunch or dinner time and I put my sewing stuff in boxes under the bed... :)

I praise to God.. that He is a good provider... years later, now I can spend time to sew in a place without someone bothering me to clean up the table....
I can leave my studio clean or mess.. with no one complain about it... :)

I can't believe that my stuff is growing from a few boxes and now I have one big shelf.

This is my studio, where I spend time to create something,... doodling... and sewing....  I am so grateful that what I dreamed back then is now become a reality... the sewing studio that I want is just like what I have today... :) 

This is my table.. where I put my sewing machine... and all the little pretty things..

When the first time I own this shelf.. it is not as full of stuff and fabrics like today.... My stuff is growing... :)
I put my fabrics in a shelf with a glass window.. so they're not  dusty.
Books, papers, cd's, paints are on the open shelf.

My beads collections in a Jar.. always love them...
So colorful...

Surrounding myself with all this kind of stuff stimulates me... sometime when if i feel a brain freeze and no ideas floating around on my mind..  then I sat in my studio.. looking to all the stuff and usually that "AHA" moment will just pop up.... LOL

My fabrics collections....
Looks yummy for me...

This fabrics will make several quilts and dolls... but before I can finished a quilt I add more I guess...

The closet of other women, will surely filled up with  shoes and bags. 
But for me...fabrics..fabrics..fabrics.... :)

This is where I sat to listen to my favorite music while  reading or  quilting..  or just do the day dreaming.....  What a little heaven for me... :)
(* feeling gratitude ). Thanks be to God .

Happy creating in your own place...

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


It is more likely that if people talking about Indonesia, they will also talking about Batik.

Read more about Batik :

Batik is an art form  which need a high skilled people to do it. From tracing the pattern on the cloth to outline it with a melted paraffin to color it.. it is such a long process.
There are two kinds of batik... one is Batik tulis which is done with hand,   this kind is expensive because of the process takes longer than the  Batik tjap which is done with stamping the Batik stamp to the cloth. Some time they combine both of those methods together.

Batik is spreading in lots of places in Indonesia. The pattern and color in one place is different from others. One use a brown or darker color with a repetitive design and other use a bright color with more free pattern like buterfly, flowers, and more..

I guess no one in Indonesia doesn't know about batik... because we use it in our everyday life. Batik touch Indonesian people  from the village to the city... in every occasion.. we can use Batik as kain.. a long piece of cloth and we wrap our lower body from waist down or sew it as a scarf , a blouse, a dress...  even we use it for every family member as a uniform.  and also  Home decoration such as a pillow case, a table cloth, a bed spread, a painting, oooh so many more... now we can also found they do batik on wood for trays or just an ornaments...they even created Batik wooden sandal. The creativity of using Batik methods is unlimited.

One that famous for quilt makers is Bali Batik.
Bali Batik is a real gorgeous fabrics.They seems come in unlimited gradations of colors and patterns which is so beautiful for a Quilt.
The island of Bali is a part of Indonesia. They are famous with their arts and crafts and the heritage culture they still practicing in their everyday life. I'll blog more about Bali soon.

So Batik become one of my life. Especially after I work with fabrics.. now I have lots of Batik ... :) well enough to make several quilts... I'll show you more about my Batik stash... :)

As for me... I love Batik with a bright color from Pekalongan - Central Java..
They are just " Me " and really feeding my soul... with happiness..
you will know after you see the pictures...

See... ?
Can you describe this with words ? tell me...
Stunning ? Awesome ? Cool ? Beautiful ?

I had a hard time to select this Batik.... I try to breath normally, but to tell you the truth... my heart was pounding so hard... LOL..

I went  home with 5 pieces of Batik... I don't even know what I'm gonna do with it... but knew for sure I'll use it.. some day. (* feeling confidence... )

So this is what I bought that day...

Red, Orange, Blue, Green, Purple....
ooh what I missed ? Black, Yellow, pink, Brown... and more.... :)

Happy.. Happy... Happy...

Matryoshka doll


I just can't remember when is the first time I'm in love with this doll... it was a long time ago.... LOL..

And I am so grateful to have one.
They're  handpainted.. a very pretty face on a wooden doll... oh this is a fine craft to me.

Matryoshka doll is a Russian doll which contains of several doll from small to big size doll.  
Read more about this doll :

I have the original doll from Russia that  I bought from a Craft store near Dallas area... see I even forgot where exactly I bought it.

Usually I always think twice to buy even the smalest things, but not for this one .... :)  it's too cute.

 I just grab it then Pay and Go...

Of course this doll become one of my inspiration... I make pin cushions, and a softies just like Matryoshka doll...   and planning to make a quilt with this pattern which would be lovely I imagine.  Every time my eyes struck to this doll... either it is a pattern on cloth.. or even a pencil case... that will be most likely I'll try to own it... Looking at them just gives me joy.... :)

Try to put a flower brooch in the middle and ruffle in the front... looks cute.

This cute face is never forgotten.... oh I love this.

There they are... three of them.

Aku lupa kapan pertama kali suka  pada boneka kayu Rusia ini...

Matryoshka doll adalah boneka kayu dari Rusia. Boneka ini terdiri boneka paling kecil sampai yang besar.. 

Aku beli di toko craft di Dallas.. tapi sudah lupa dimana pastinya... karena sudah lama siiih... he he he. Waktu aku lihat boneka ini.. langsung saja ingin punya...

Aku bersyukur punya satu yang original... Boneka kayu ini dilukis tangan... wajahnya cantik... dan bagiku boneka ini adalah kerajinan yang memiliki nilai seni yang tinggi.

Tentu saja boneka Matryoshka ini menjadi inspirasi untuk beberapa kreasi kerjaan tanganku...
Pin cushions, dan boneka peluk sudah aku buat... dan sekarang berencana untuk membuat quilt aplikasi dengan pola Matryoshka ini... hmmm pasti lucu..

Setiap kali aku melihat boneka ini baik di pattern ataupun tempat pensil... aku selalu mau beli. Hanya melihatnya saja sudah membuat saya gembira... he he he..


Sunday, July 14, 2013


I love doodling...
This activities can detox my brain and captured the ideas that swirling around in my mind. I have many sketching mixed with my journal... :)

If I opened my sketching books a few years ago.. I knew what interest me that time... some time it can bring the feeling back again....

This sketch  that I made in 2008  for a quilt... but for years.. the sketch is here... but not the quilt... LOL

If only I can just nod my head like Genie.
and voila... the quilt is done ! but alas.. that never happened...

Happy doodling... :)

Wedding Ring Quilt

The time has come when some one saw your work and asked if I can make a customed quilt. Thanks to my husband who took a picture of my work and showed it to His piano's student. :)

The first reaction from me isn't that I agree to do it, but told her that it takes quite a while till this quilt is done, because I'm not spending my entire time to focus on quilt making at that time.
Surprisingly she says ok.. just take your time.. she didn't rush me.. she told  me to picks the design, even to decide what color  that is suited well for her bed room. Queen Size bed. WOW. that's big.

Woooo Hoooo......  I will make a big project... this isn't easy... but rather a challange for me !
My husband told me to do something that I haven't tried yet.. challange your self ! Don't just do the same old stuff !!...

Boy that kicked me...I finally decide to make a weeding ring quilt.. which is not for a beginner anymore... it has lots of curved piecing... and lots of blocks...because the size would be 200 X 200 cm.

Making a quilt surely teach me to be precise, consistence and patience. Especially a big quilt like this.  After a quilt is done, you will feel different. You'll be a better person... I guess. LOL..

I make my wedding ring design and calcuted how much fabrics do I need to buy.
I make a sketch of this quilt...

Then I went to the fabrics store with excitement...
Feeling overwelhm because I bought so much fabrics at one time...  the store owner smile  a lot...  and helps me to find a matching fabrics after I picked my main fabrics.
Oh this is fun... !

I picked a good quality japanesse cotton.  Pretty...!!

This is my main fabrics

and combine with other matching fabrics...

I use a broken white fabric too..

I kind of forgot not to take a picture when this quilt is on process..  but have it when I baste the quilt

and The quilt is done... several months later... LOL
I'm so proud to finish this quilt.
This is the third big quilt I've ever done.. but this one is really my master piece. I really put my heart into it.

When I bring the quilt to the lady who ordered it... she loves it.. I was paid more than I asked  (* Big grin... )

Up till now.. I still saw that quilt  adorned her bed... I knew because, the last time I came over to her house over a week ago,  I peeked to her bedroom when the door is opened... LOL...

I don't even have a big quilt I made for my bed..
Sure will be my next list project to be done.... soon... soon.... :)

Keep quilting... and keep loving it.. they give you warmth and tons of love...


Monday, July 08, 2013

Softies are always lovely

Softies are made with love. that is true.... :)
Like usual, I can't help myself for making only one.. I make elephant, bunny, owl, bird, cat... and more to come...
I make the pattern my self... and just unleash the creative spirit to do their own work.... I just follow them.. to draw.. to cut... picking up the it dan finally stuffed it....

The bright bali batik fabric become my favorite..
I select only brights for this project.... Yummy like candy aren't they ?

wooo hooo... let's start making it... I cut the fabrics just a little bigger  from the pattern for a sewing line, audition it by mixing and matching ... look at it... and this is the owl before sewing.
So.. now it is about time to sew it.... wow.. I'm excited !

Sewing with a happy heart.... yeay !
And... after that all the work is done... this is what I call Lovely softies...

they are huggable... and trust me... hugs them gives you warmth and an unspoken feeling.... ha ha...  

Happy sewing..

Sunday, July 07, 2013

Pin cushion

I collected pincushions.... just because they are functional and cute. And it is a must have for quilters. :)
I have posted  lots  my pincushion collections... and now I will show you the newest one.

Since I love to have them around in my sewing room, I learn how to make one myself.
It is a quick and easy project to make... this is a cute things that a sewing lover always want them.. one can have many as they want.. 'coz pincushion is very useful for us, either you are an advanced quilter or just a know how to do a simple stitch..

If you know some one who love to sew but only have one standard pincushions...  then it is about time to give them a new and unique one. I know this gonna excites the giver as well as the receiver.... :) trust me.

I make this lovely pincushion with a cathedral window pattern....
with a japanese fabrics... this is turns out to be a very addicted activities... ; )
See.. I can't stop myself to make one only.. I kept going cutting small fabrics and make lots of them... oh what fun...   Sooo this is for my mom, one for my sister... my friend... oooowh... who else ?

Sewing small project always need a trick... but using lots of pin helps a lot.. :) 

Membuat tempat jarum pentul  adalah proyek jahit yang mudah dan cepat. Dan tempat menyimpan jarum pentul selalu dibutuhkan oleh penjahit..  dan rasanya kurang kalau kita hanya punya 1 yaa...

Kalau kita mengenal orang yang menyukai jahit menjahit namun hanya memiliki 1 tempat jarum pentul saja.. maka ini adalah saatnya untuk memberikan hadiah tempat jarum pentul...tentu saja yang unik.

Saya membuat tempat jarum pentul ini dengan pola cathedral window... dengan menggunakan kain  katun jepang.. rasanya membuat ini adalah kegiatan yang susah untuk dihentikan ;) Nah.. lihat saja saya ketagihan memotong kain2 katun ini dan membuat lebih dari 1 pin cushion... Hmmmm ini untuk ibuku... ini untuk adikku.. ini untuk temanku... ini untuk siapa lagi yaaa...

Happy sewing....

Friday, July 05, 2013

Mom's quilt

My mom can sew anything.... from a napkin to a table cloth... to a bead spread... and little dresses .. she even almost always sew her own dress...

I remember when I was a kid.. I'll hide on my mom's sewing table... 
I'll then have a good time there playing with those fabrics patches on the floor, makes me forgot that I was play hide and seek with my sister... LOL

When time goes by... this  doesn't surprise me when I hooked into  the sewing world.

I think I can learn how to quilt because it just require a straight stitch.. which I'm sure I can do it. little did I know that making a quilts require lots of skill and some good attitude too.... :). I guess I made some progress... and improve my skill over the years...

I make quilts for mom, then she was curious how did I make it, so... the story began...
Now my mom loves quilting too... we shared knowledge.. we bought fabrics together... we sew together... oh my.. we share the same world. I 'm blessed.

This is the quilt that mom made ... not big but enough to know the pattern and practice quilting.... Log cabin and wedding ring quilt.
Lovely isn't it ?

Happy to see this quilt.... I believe that Mom will never stop quilting...


Thursday, July 04, 2013

My Baby Quilt

There is nothing precious than making something with your hand especially for your loved ones.

In 2011, that is  a right time for me to make a baby quilt... not for my friends or customer...but for my baby.... oh my... I'm about to make a baby quilt for my baby... what a joy...!!

Picking up fabrics... selecting a  pattern... and start making this quilt are all the process  that full of love from my heart...
I just imagining that this quilt become her favorite things among her other toys... then she'll be so attached to her blankie... dragging it every where until it worn out..

But... like my other project.. this baby quilt also become an UFO ( Un Finished Object ) for quite a while... if I may say so... actually for a long time.. LOL. 

I need to hand quilt this... it  really takes time.... 
Hopefully my baby that is  a toddler now... will hold this blankie soon... very soon... :)
Love it,   

First post in 2013

I can't wait any longer .. it has been a long time I didn't post anything in my blog...

Life is surely flowing ...Time is flying so fast.
I feel like I have been neglecting my own " creative spirit " for quite a while...
and now it wants to roar... and say hello to everybody...

I didn't do much to nurture my artful mind ! though sometimes ideas just swirled around in my brain, but it evaporated to quick , even before I had time to doodling it in my sketchbook !

Since I knew I was pregnant in 2010 ( at age 42), the news surprised everyone around me... not to mention myself ! :).  Then I left blog world to embrace this bundle of joy up till now.

 I just never felt enough to be so grateful to Almighty God. My prayer was answered. For many years I asked God for the baby.. but and the prayer get intense in the last few years...        

I said this prayer every day : God,.. I believe that you store a good things for me in this life... I am a day closer to your miracle God....

and He make everything beautiful in His time. Oh, how awesome...... ! God is good all the time...

My prayer was answered.
2010 is the year where miracle take place for me and my family.
I gave birth to a sweet little baby girl.. on October 20th, 2010. I had the first one 13 years ago... so you can  imagine how I was so full of joy !

When one entering motherhood... herlife will be turning upside down... so  much unpredictable things happened, must get used to a new routine.., but the little bundle of joy just gave us lots of happiness... Thanks be to God.

Frankly, at that time  I was not in the mood of doing anykind of crafty things during my pregnancy. I just spend a lot of time browsing at other people works..

One that I actually think about is making a baby quilt... hopefully this quilt is done before the baby arrived. But... I admited  finishing what I have started is never been easier... now she is almost 3, and her blankie is still not done.  Feeling embarrased  :( .

I will post this unfinished baby quilt later :)

Ok... this is the first post for this year..
Hopefully I can manage my time.. but you know how it feels you have to juggle between house work and kids.. Time is too short. But hello.... when other quilters and crafters can make it... so I'll try my best...

Keep doing what you love to do....